Accademia delle Belle Arti di Carrara
The Accademia delle Belle Arti di Carrara is one of the most important cities of both historical and cultural. The seat of the Palazzo dei Malaspina, since the nineteenth century.
Nell 'nineteenth century, the building underwent several changes made by Peter wattles, while in 1924 were carried out a series of restorations that went to recover the medieval part of the structure and moved the entrance on the side of Via Roma.
The birth was of the highly desired by the Duchess Maria Teresa was born and officially on paper on September 26 of 1769.
Over the years the Academy has been the scene of the most distinguished teachers and the greatest artists, both Italian and foreign, joined by deep interest in working with marble.
The interiors are highly treated, the hall is decorated with marble groups, while in the courtyard you can admire the ancient sages of students. The most famous piece is undoubtedly the newsstand Roman Fantiscritti, so called because it depicts Jupiter, Hercules and Dionysus as students, and for years has been the favorite destination of pilgrimages by Important artists such as Giambologna and Canova.
In the gardens that surround it, are located in the marble statue dedicated to celebrities of the city, including the monument dedicated to Antonio Meschi, leader of the anarchist union battles of the Twenties.